Imbolc is here with first signs of Spring! It is Aquarius time of year!

Imbolc Celtic Festival of re-birth and first signs of Spring

The day might still seem grey and wintery, looking out my window, but under the surface something is subtly changing. There's a lifting energy, ever so gradual, but still perceptible. Underneath last years old, brown leaves soaked in winter rain, new foliage is bravely emerging. These are the seeds and intentions planted in the depth of Winter Solstice slowly, slowly taking form. Vulnerable and so full of water, they are easily broken and yet they give a message of hope and growth and a brighter spring future. Hiding under the leaf litter of last year, the seeds that were dropped from last years fruition of dreams now are transforming and slowly, cautiously showing themselves. Somehow under the radar but still in preparation for a mild, sunny day to be ready to burst into fullness.

What were your deep intuitive dreams and longings at the darkest time of the year? Maybe these are now manifesting as ideas in the mind? Concepts, visualisations, plans coming into focus?

For the Celts, celebrating Imbolc was an important turning of the wheel of the year and a time for the returning hope as the light was visibly increasing and the days lengthening. It was a time of the Earth showing signs of growth and the start of a new growing season, but all still internal and pregnant and expectant of the new season to come. St Bridget was the Christian saint based on this Maiden version of the Great Celtic Goddess and much revered by the Celts as the bringer of Fire sunlight to make the earth full of life again.

Imbolc Season Astrology

The sun has since the 21st of Jan been present in Aquarius, the sign of the unconventional, the individual, as a part of society and of innovation. Aquarius season asks us how we are individuals, how we are unique and different in our own way. It also asks us to find our tribe, our family, our wider community to contribute to with our unique individuality.
This year is remarkable in that we have a considerate stellium of planets along here with the Sun (Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and also soon Venus), which gives a super strong emphasis on the values and goals of Aquarius for us all. Aquarius is an air sign and co-ruled by Uranus and Saturn. It is concerned with the future of society, of the betterment of community connection and with building equality. To do this the air mentality is used, an intellectual approach taken and technology used. Ideas bloom and spring from the ether as if downloaded from a greater Whole and taking the road less travelled is by far the preferred route.
With Mercury Retrograde taking place here in Aquarius also, there might be we experience situations where we need to re-think, re-visualise, re-dream ideas we already thoughts we were ready and done with. This happens for a reason and is an opportunity from the Universe for us to align more fully to the direction to head in now, as we truly leave the heaviness of 2020 behind.
The Aquarius New Moon on the 11the of February is a good time to set some of these aligned dreams and visions into clear intentions and in so making the most of this future-dream focused  Aquarian wave this month.

Imbolc Altar

From the garden I gather Snowdrops, some early daffodil bulbs (the flower picking around where I live here in west Cornwall has already started!) and the first Camellia blooms. I also light a candle to symbolise the sun and the returning of the Light and watch the flame flicker reassuringly. I listen to the rain on the window sill and feel a seed of hope growing inside. A seed of an expectation of a new season beginning to stir and take root, growing stronger each day.

Wishing you a Bright Imbolc!
/Sara (NatureConnectionArt&Astrology)

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