Leo New Moon -Tuning in to messages from the Heart
On the 4th of August we have the first lunation of the month; a new mon in Leo at 12 degrees. With the Sun and the Moon coming together for their monthly check-in to decide what is to be initiated and seeded here in the sign of Royalty, Aristocracy and Performers. As always, expect less of energy to be around and allow some time for rest and stillness. The void of busyness is where new beginnings have space to come in and make their appearance knows.
In the sign of the Lion, however, there is still a feeling of extrovert expressiveness and a desire to shine and be seen. Leo is associated with the Heart chakra and as a fire sign it loves to be passionate and fierce. There is a need here to tell the world what is in our heart although it might leave us vulnerable, the risk is worth it, as Leo needs to be seen and heard deeply.
With a sextile at this time, to Jupiter in Gemini, there is a helpful invitation here to gamble on ourselves, to take a risk, as Jupiter wants us to believe in ourselves and dream big. Jupiter in Gemini can be scattered and lost in lots of communication, but used to its best potential it is a generous, light and buoyant energy, ready to entertain and tell your story.
This new moon also ties in with the start of the Mercury retrograde, which will be active for the next three weeks until the end of August. When the planet of messages, travel and trade goes back to re-do, re-think and re-envision, it is good practice to check our emails an extra time and to expect to repeat ourselves. Be open to changes in travel and set intentions to remain flexible and open to new ways of going about tasks at hand. Life doesn’t stop during a Mercury retrograde period but allowing the pace to slow down and to go over old material again is a good use of the energy.
The New Moon in Leo is also opposing the asteroid Chariklo, currently transiting at 15 degrees of Aquarius. Chariklo in Greek myth was another of the centaurs and Chirons’ wife. Her energy is soft, compassionate and intuitive, allowing healing to take place by gentle loving-attention. Her involvement in this new moon is an invitation for us to communicate from a calm, mystic place to express what is truly in our hearts. A great time to work with Heart-Brain coherence in order to harness and allow wisdom from the heart through to our conscious mind.
Wishing you a golden, warm New Moon in Leo,