Virgo Full Moon 7th March -Spiritual practice

On the 7th of March the moon will be full in the sign of the Priestess healer Virgo at 16 degrees.

Whilst in Pisces season, being the opposite sign to Virgo there is a stark contrast and balancing energy emerging, shining a light on the grounding down and organising of the everyday. Pisces swims and floats in a loose, vague, interconnected, energetic universe where everthing merges gradually together like the hues in a watercolour impossible to distinguish where one begins and another ends. 
Hence a Full Moon in Virgo can be a startle in this going-with-the-flow time of the year. A stark reality check might suddenly be in illuminated focus, impossible to ignore, but in some ways also very helpful.
The theme of the Virgo-Pisces axis is one of Service, attemting this in widely opposite ways. Whilst Virgo carefully and neatly plans the week and the detailed steps of action, Pisces serves through us with a nap or some gentle daydreaming, tapping into inspiration and visions from beyond.

- How do we practically approach (Virgo) our connection to Source/Universe (Pisces)? Virgo likes to link hands and mind to calm racing thoughts and reach a mediatative state, such as crafts, gardening, baking or even house work. A culture very tapped into this energy is the Japanse where the Zen approach seems to always link the everyday tasks; raking the garden, forming the ceramics, composing the flower arrangement, dreaming the Haiku or skillfully painting the ink drawing. All in the name is spiritual connection.

Wishing you a Soul productive Full Moon,


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